William Gonzalez ruled a 100% service connected disability Veteran is willfully unemployed 6/12 2-6

4 years ago


Clark County Nevada
September 14, 2014

Veterans In Politics International (VIPI) with overwhelming evidence it is a fact that Judge Bill Gonzalez is no friend to our US Veterans he has earned the thumbs down based on the years of incompetence on the bench. This is because of his unfair treatment of litigants, especially US veterans.

VIPI endorsed his worthy challenger, Denise Gentile, in the race to become the next Family Court Judge in Department F here in Clark County in our transparent endorsement process back in March 2014 that was videotaped to inform the public about who is the better person to serve in Department F (see video: VIPI Judicial Endorsement Interviews: Gentile and Gonzalez: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuD5KYtBeTs). Someone like Ms. Gentile with 20+ years of relevant family law experience will be a welcome addition to wear the robe. We need individuals like Judge Gonzalez who believe that they can basically walk on water with “black robe fever” out of public service.

Judge William “Bill” Gonzalez ruled a 100% service-connected disability Veteran is willfully unemployed:

Judge Gonzalez ruled that a 100% Service Connected Disabled Veteran is willfully unemployed, despite being deemed unemployable and housebound by the Department of Veterans Affairs after years of medical exams, therapy, and evaluations by doctors and specialists.

While the evidence submitted during the trial had nothing to do with the employment status of the Veteran, Gonzalez took it upon himself during the ruling to go beyond the scope of the evidence and rule that the disabilities were for “carrying guns and military equipment in the Army,” and had no relevance to civilian life or the ability to work, therefore the Veteran was willfully unemployed and the basis for his decision to deny modification of financial obligations that put the Veteran at risk for homelessness.

While certain judges may bring certain biases to the bench, they need to do the job that they are elected to do and rule on the facts of the case. Here, Judge Gonzalez over-stepped his boundaries and believed that his opinions and the needs of one able-bodied litigant super-ceded the facts of the case and the other litigant’s ability to pay.

If the Federal Government deems someone disabled based on substantial medical information, who is a Clark County Family Court Judge to believe they can go rogue and ignore facts of the case?

Judge William “Bill” Gonzalez caused a Veteran to commit suicide:

Judge Bill Gonzalez caused a Veteran to commit suicide. He presided over a case of a divorce and custody battle between a Veteran and his wife of 18 years with two children. The Veteran had limited income, yet did his best to fight for fair custody of the children and to compel Judge Gonzalez to enforce the custody and visitation orders that were in place. The mother kept denying the Veteran his fair time with the children, costing the Veteran thousands in legal fees to appear before Gonzalez to ask him to enforce the orders and to hold mom in contempt.

Judge Gonzalez refused to hold the mother in contempt and the mother continued to refuse contact between the Veteran and the children, causing severe depression and financial problems for the Veteran. Orders of the Court must have bark and bite and not be a “toothless tiger.” In a case like this, when a litigant knows that they will not be held accountable for their actions, it is no wonder that people enjoy the “Kangaroo Court” put in place by Judge Gonzalez.

After countless motions that were never enforced by Gonzalez, thousands of dollars in legal fees, and depression from not seeing his own children, the Veteran committed suicide. RIP brother. Case D-11-450187-D.

Who knows if Judge Gonzalez did his job, would there be some confidence in the legal system and the judiciary. Thanks to Gonzalez taking a “put your head in the sand and whatever happens…happens” approach, now the children have to wonder why they are growing up without a Dad.

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