Judge William “Bill” Gonzalez ruthless on the Family Court Bench Buchele 10/20/14

4 years ago


Tom Buchele Disabled case number D-13-483347-D Tom Buchele who suffered a massive heart attack, both legs amputated, 6 fingers amputated, and suffered several strokes was bullied by Judge Gonzalez. Buchele daughter Kim Hocksteadler sent letters from her father’s doctor stating he was not mentally capable of understanding what was happening in court, Judge Gonzalez bullied Buchele asking questions that he had no knowledge of. Judge Gonzalez continued with the intimidated and stated that he was going to do an unequal property settlement that it would not be the first time and he will do it again. Judge Gonzalez ordered the house to Buchele soon to be ex, even though his house is and was always known as separate personal property by a signed agreement (quit claim deed). Judge Gonzalez ordered Buchele to three-hole punch over a thousand court papers and put them in binders and make 3 sets, one for the court, one for him, and one for the wife not only was this cruel and inhumane to do to a handicap elderly frail man but the cost of all this took over 50% of Buchele monthly income. The money he needed to pay mortgage and bills. Buchele suffers from memory loss, multiple strokes, frail man, this judge ignores all doctors’ letters and forces Buchele to represent himself and answer questions. Judge Gonzalez also awarded Buchele handicapped assessable vehicle to his ex-wife. In Closing: We as the general public do not hear personal stories like these and we say to ourselves it can’t be, no Judge in their right mind would be so cruel, but it’s unfortunate that these things do happen. While we go about our business and say this is someone else problem let’s do something about it because it is everyone’s problem if these things go on by our own judges! Vote today! Distributed: Veterans In Politics International www.VeteransInPolitics.org 702 283 8088

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