German Ministry of Health admits: 1 in 5000 COVID shots causes SERIOUS side effect

2 years ago

Link to tweet by German Ministry of Health posted on July 21, 2022 (the original tweet was removed because it was wrong):

Translation of the tweet:

"0.2 suspected cases per 1000 vaccine doses is the notifying rate to the @PEI_Germany [Paul Ehrlich Institute] for severe side effects. If you suspect a #SideEffect, get assistance by a doctor and report your symptoms:"

DEFINITION BY FDA: "A side effect is considered serious if the result is: death; life-threatening; hospitalization; disability or permanent damage; or exposure prior to conception or during pregnancy caused birth defect."


If 1 in 5000 injections causes a serious adverse event, then 1 in 1667 people (=5000/3) who get the initial 2 doses and 1 booster, get a serious adverse event.

Since these statistics are based on passive reporting, they are (severely) underreported: only a tiny fraction of the actual adverse events show up in the statistics. These are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg: the majority is invisible below sea level.

The underreporting factor (URF) is the factor by which the ACTUAL number of adverse events is larger than the REPORTED adverse events. For example, an URF of 10 would mean that there are 10 times as many adverse events in actuality than are shown in the statistics.

Barriers that all contribute to the severe underreporting: The adverse event first has to be recognized as caused by the jab, then the doctor has to admit it's caused by the jab, then a report has to be filed which takes 45 minutes of work per report (for which medical professional don't have time), then it has to be accepted and processed by the authorities.

Assuming a URF of 10, which is the absolute minimum, 1 in 167 single-boosted people would get a serious adverse event.

The German Paul Ehrlich Institute has previously admitted an URF 20x (=only 5% of adverse events is reported):

DE: "Lasek et al. [3] schätzen, dass maximal 5% der schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen im Rahmen von spontanerfassungssystemen gemeldet werden."
EN: "Lasek et al. [3] estimate that at most 5% of severe side effects are reported in a passive reporting system."

See page 353 of:

DE: "Nur etwa sechs Prozent aller UAW [unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkung] und fünf bis zehn Prozent der schweren UAW werden Schätzungen zufolge gemeldet (underreporting)."
EN: "Only about 6 percent of unwanted effects and five to ten percent of severe unwanted effects are reported according to estimations (underreporting)."

See page 10 of:

Assuming a more reasonable URF of 40, a whopping 1 in 42 single-boosted people get a serious adverse event! 😱

If the URF is 40 and 3 billion people got 3 doses, then about 71.4 MILLION people got a serious adverse event from this barely tested, unnecessary, poison injection!

NB: These numbers do not include the NEGATIVE efficacy of the jabs: they INCREASE your risk of getting COVID, which should be counted as a negative side effect.

These are just the serious adverse events that are KNOWN at this time. At this moment, we know very little about for example cancer, infertility or permanent immune system damage caused by the jab (VAIDS), or people who may still die (suddenly) from blockages in their blood vessels.


Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them | Virol J. 2022 Jun 5

Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease | Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Mar


Segment from (starts around 29 min):

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