Hard To Stand Up After Sitting - Simple Exercise to Strengthen Legs

4 years ago

Find it hard to stand up after sitting? Wonder why you have trouble getting up after sitting on the couch? This video will show you a simple exercise to strengthen legs so you can stand up if you have difficulty rising from a chair.

Difficulty rising from a chair is a common complaint. If you have muscle weakness in your legs or butt, you may have trouble standing up from a chair. Matt shows you a simple home exercise to build leg strength to stand up from a chair. The reason so many people have trouble getting up out of a chair is not arthritis. It's not being "old." The reason you find it hard to stand from sitting is because your hip and leg muscles are weak. This simple drill will help you build leg strength and hip strength so you can stand from sitting easily.

Blog post on difficulty standing up from chair part 1 (the basics): https://www.uprighthealth.com/blog/hard-stand-up-from-sitting-chair-part-1

Blog post on exercises to help you get up from a chair part 2 (the exercises!): https://www.uprighthealth.com/blog/hard-stand-up-from-sitting-chair-part-2-exercises

More Videos for your Hips: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfKNSz5BBcBEfVJT2bn6VNallqGWmfJwA

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Music: David Cutter Music - http://www.davidcuttermusic.com


#LegExercise #StrengthenLegs #UprightHealth

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