Soul Speak #54 (Dec 30/20) And God said "Let us make man in our image" - Let us become man!

2 years ago

I have recently learned about a new word: #neuroplasticity - it refers to the brain's ability to change its structure over time in response to #experience .
Over the last year, I have had some pretty amazing (#spiritual ) #experiences that have altered the way I think and view the concept of what we call #god .
It may be difficult at first to accept or agree with my postulation, because our brains have been formed and structured over #2000 years to think in only one linear form when it comes to God. Through #tradition , we have all learned that God the #supremebeing is quite separate from us lowly #earthlings .
Since we have essentially been doing the same thing for 2000 years and see no significant #change in the #earth as far as "your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" - I want to propose a different viewpoint, which might actually germinate the change we are all waiting for.
I don't want to make my post very long, so I will try to get to the point without long explanations.
When God said in the beginning "let us make man in our image"... what if that actually meant "let us become man" ? Remember the name that was given to the baby #mary birthed? Emanuel , God with us!
We have made the entire story about one single man, #jesus of Nazareth... and might have overlooked the fact that He and His story also was a '#parable ' expressing a much deeper spiritual #truth . God becoming a man, not only as Jesus...but #humanity as a whole.
Now comes my point, brace yourself! What if YOU are that expression of God? And what if your neighbour is in fact an #expression of God?
If we would recognise the truth that "divinity" is in fact looking out through your and my eyes at one another, all #wars would cease, all #hate wound end... because we would all start living "as God" with all the divine attributes we associate with God.
Instead of hating on one another, we would worship one another and serve one another in Love... and heaven would finally manifest on earth.
However, this cannot happen as long as we see God as a Supreme Being 'other' (distinct) from ourselves, that we can continue pointing to and blame all our problems and weaknesses on.
And even going so far as unburdening God with the responsibility of "God loves you", we would bring that closer to home and we would be saying instead "I love you" and maybe actually mean it and follow it up with action.
If we would understand deep down that we are in fact "God"... we would begin acting like divinity and start taking responsibility for what we create every day. Maybe heaven would come into view much more quickly? But without a vision the people keep on perishing.
What if God said, "Let us become man" ? #divinity

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