Why do I choose to be an indie author? 🤩

2 years ago

Contrary to what some people might think, independent artists aren't necessarily the spinster aunt who never could find someone to marry her, but the independent woman who preferred the road less traveled. In other words, indie artists - writers, musicians, or filmmakers - aren't doing so out of desperation but out of self-preservation. They play by their own rules.

This video was originally posted on YouTube on July 23, 2020.

Check out the corresponding blog -https://mimaonfire.blogspot.com/2020/07/why-do-i-choose-to-be-indie-author.html

Canadian author Mima (aka Michelle M. Arsenault) is known for complicated and diverse characters, dark style, and never shying away from controversial topics.

Author of The Hernandez series - loyalty above all. There are no exceptions. https://mimaonfire.com/the-series/

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Hernandez series playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNMrBPeLoQWnVfF3-e0UrBbtotu4NfTl2

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