Horse Flips Over Backwards Owner Does Not Know Why - I Try & Explain It From The Horse's Perspective

4 years ago

I did not put link on purpose. I do not want people hating or attacking this woman. I want people to understand horses so they don't make the same mistakes and make horses pay for their lack of knowledge. This video is Not picking on this woman, it is for learning and education for others, so they do not make the same mistakes.

This video is used under Fair Use for education, critique and evaluation purposes. I said in the video I do not know anything about this lady, and she may be very nice. In my opinion, and the results of this horse almost breaking his neck, her training methods are NOT good for the horse.

I am not trying to train her, or get her to like me or accept my opinion. I am pointing our horse behavior and horse language that most will miss if not pointed out. Not asking for love or hate, everyone is free to disagree, and take or ignore my opinion. I am sharing my opinion for the purpose of HELPING HORSES.

I said in the video I do not want people to to and find and hate on this woman or be mean in the comments. Make comments constructive and stay on topic. Any attacks, name calling or rudeness will be deleted. Thanks

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