How to Properly Use a Cloak Pin

4 years ago

How to use a cloak pin without puncturing fabric:

Scroll down to bypass to written, frank directions -

This was filmed on a potato. Sure, but it was the freshest one I had. I'll get things together and make another video. If you find this video informative and use the information, please link back to this video... you know, for personal grace. Internet decorum and such a such.

I had to make this video after looking for a cloak pin on Amazon and seeing the reviews on different pins. Every single reference was to piercing the fabric. You see, to me this like you being in a land where everyone insists cars are driven from the back seat. The perspective is miles apart, so I had to make a video to clear this up. Even the companies who make these give directions that are made up... out of whole cloth! see what I did? I'm funny. Seriously, this is an example of having the tool and no directions. The directions given are by people who have zero upbringing in using it and can't see the obvious damage long term use of their style would cause.

Just because it has the word pin it in does not mean it has to puncture. I have a rolling pin... not meant for piercing anything. Pin refers to the shape of the moving part. A cloak pin is more correctly a fastener. Words have meaning. Cloak pins have four parts. Yes, you only see two. Again, this is perspective. There is the ring, the pin, gate and the sill. The pin passes through the gate, hangs on the sill and binds the fabric with the ring. This is known as a bight. Not that hard. See? You are learning and on your way to wearing an actual cloak... and not far off from the fundamentals of knot tying.


1. have proper sized ring for fabric
a. diameter of bound fabric to equal roughly radius of ring to accommodate the fold and bind the bight
2. with one hand, make the shape of a cloak however you wish with the fabric and hold them
a. tips together and held parallel to bight
b. tips overlapped and midpoints held parallel to bight
3. ring held so that pin offset is to the inside
4. lay ring over bound fabric held by other hand
5. swing pin under bound fabric, pushing fabric into ring causing the bight
6. pass pin through gate, catching pin on sill of the gate
7. slide ring to desired position

Done correctly, this garment should now be recognizable as a cloak. The hood is distinguished and it will lay without impediment of breathing. When folded over the shoulders, it should stay there. Make your knot in the bight and folds as pretty and even as you wish.

#cloak #cloakpin #viking #celt #plaid #tartan #blanket

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