Soul Speak #52 (Dec 27/20) The Sign Of Revelation 12 happened September 23, 2017. Three years later.

2 years ago

I haven't picked up the #bible in a long time, but this morning I was thinking about Revelation 12 again.
The great astrological sign of #virgo occurred 23. Sept 2017 exactly as described in #Revelation 12. We are 3 years into the chapter. And then it speaks of another great sign that appeared of a #dragon ...
Looking at the passage today, I am thinking of these things in terms of #astrological #signs and #energies . I don't believe a literal dragon or #literal #stars will be swept out of the astrological skies...
however, when we think of "#jesus coming in the clouds" or the "dragon coming down" in terms of "consciousness"... can you see the effects of such in the world right now?
Can you see the "dragon" #consciousness (#lies , #fear , #tyranny , #anxiety , #hate , #snitching , #betrayal , #psychological and #physical murder deliberately or via #neglect , etc.) that is manifesting in people (inhabitants of the earth) over Corona Virus? Woe to the inhabitants of the earth.
A dragon consciousness has come down and is threatening to devour the "male child", the ascension of humanity (in Christ Consciousness) that is being birthed in the earth right now.
The good news is that it says the "male child" was caught up to heaven, to God's throne.
Somehow, we will have the ability to transcend our consciousness above the low density dragon consciousness.

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