Soul Speak #53 (Dec 27/20) The Importance of Astrology for Scripture Interpretation

2 years ago

I think #christianity has made a grave mistake in dismissing #astrology as #superstition and #witchcraft to be absolutely avoided.
I truly believe that Astrology holds #thekey to #understanding much if not most of the #symbolic passages in the #scriptures .
Right from the get-go, in the opening pages of the Bible we are told what the #sun , #moon and the #stars are for... yes they have a very important purpose to "earth life".
And just following up on my previous post about the Revelation 12 star sign, I can see how these "sweet influences of the #pleiades " are influencing mankind and creation as a whole through their #energies .
If you don't believe that astrological energy affects the earth, just think of how the moon phases pull on the waters on the earth, and the water in the 'blood' in terms of menstrual cycles and surgeries. During full moon phases the flow of blood is stronger, and because of this reason surgeries are often avoided during these moon phases, considering we are 70%+ water beings.
I talked of the "dragon" energy that seems to be ravishing the energetic consciousness of many people on the earth right now... and quite possibly in complete unawareness. People just don't "feel and act right" but don't know why or how.
It says also, that "the #devil or the #dragon is come down having great wrath, because it's time is short"... to me that speaks of an astrological cycle of energies that will only last for a certain period of time, and then a different kind of energetic consciousness will emerge.
It makes so much more sense to me understanding this astrologically, and it also provides some sense of predictability and intelligence... we can say with certainty that the "dragon energy" will not stick around for a very long time. No, we are not going into a 1000 years of some form of #dark Communism, as some are predicting. And the current "dark" energy will go away soon.
Interestingly enough, it speaks of "Satan" or the "Dragon" being bound for a 1000 years, but then he/it will be let loose again for a little while afterwards. Clearly an indication of astrological cycles. Doesn't that make you breathe a sigh of relief? It does for me.
Here are some verses that affirm astrology as "biblical".
Job 9:9 He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, of the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.
Job 38:31 Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loosen the belt of Orion?
Job 38:32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear and her cubs?
Amos 5:8 He who made the Pleiades and #orion , who turns #darkness into #dawn and darkens day into night, who summons the waters of the sea and pours them over the face of the earth--the LORD is His name--
This last verse causes me to picture Aquarius, the man bearing the pitcher of water and pouring it out over the face of the earth... we have just entered into the Age of Aquarius on the 21. December according to some astrological charts.

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