4 years ago

New York City Council voted last night to cut the police budget by $1 billion (from a $6 billion budget). What if council is wrong? Who suffers?

In this episode of the Leadersmith, I review a timely article in Forbes, entitled, The Toughest Question Any Leader Can Answer Now: “What if I’m Wrong?” We apply it to business and what is going on in society today.

The higher you go in leadership, the more important it is that you make intelligent, informed decisions. I will discuss the article’s suggestions and offer a few of my own.

Here is the “What if I am Wrong?” article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/toddnordstrom/2020/06/21/the-toughest-question-any-leader-can-answer-now-what-if-im-wrong/#5abf86bc4a1e

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