Gymnastics Skill Challenge (Try this beginner static combo!)

3 years ago

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Do you often watch videos of gymnasts or street workout athletes doing spectacular exercises one after the other and wondering if you could do something like that?

Do you want to learn dope combinations like the L-sit press to handstand to planche?

What kind of question is that? Of course you want to, however you feel that its impossible for you.

Believe me, my students and I felt the same way.

These combinations require a lot of work and practice, but what if I tell you that you can learn a similar combination way faster and you have all the information you need for it, and it's really spectacular and enjoyable.

I bet you haven’t even thought about this routine or combination, even though you’ll be able to master it faster than you think, and in many cases your friends won’t even notice the difference that you’re not doing the advanced version I mentioned…

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