US Media Straw Man: Russia Thinks Ukraine Biolabs Created ‘Mutant’ Super Soldiers

2 years ago

US Media Straw Man: Russia Thinks Ukraine Biolabs Created ‘Mutant’ Super Soldiers

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Top U.S. media outlets ran headlines on Tuesday obfuscating recent comments made by Russian politicians. Mainstream disinformation peddlers like the Daily Beast , Yahoo and Newsweek all pushed the false narrative that Russia is accusing Ukraine of deploying “super soldiers” created in experimental biolabs. The articles mocked Russia, claiming they think they’re “losing to an army of lab-created super soldiers” or “experimental mutant troops created in secret biolabs.” In reality, Russian parliamentarians on Monday delivered their latest updates in an ongoing investigation looking into American biological laboratories in Ukraine.
Konstantin Kosachev, the deputy speaker of Russia’s Federation Council, and Irina...

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