Police Officer Discusses Seattle Protestors Hit by car on I-5 in Washington

4 years ago

We've all heard the story by now. Two women who were protesting for Black Femme on Interstate 5 in Seattle Washington were hit by a car that had managed to enter the highway which was crudely blocked off by the protestors. More to come on my blog at www.221btactical.com

The question is, when does common sense enter the equation? Standing in the middle of a highway at 1am, dressed in all black with personal vehicles (not police cars with lights and sirens and flares) blocking the roadway. What exactly does this accomplish? How does this allow your voice to be heard? Who are you shouting your message to at 1am in the darkness on a "closed" highway? Isn't the point of protesting to get OTHER PEOPLE to hear your message?

You use old tires and trash to block off the ramp to the highway (not police barricades because the police did not sanction this area of the highway being closed). The Washington State Police declared ON VIDEO that protesting on the highway is illegal.

My heart goes out to the woman who lost her life and the other woman who is seriously injured (NOTE: Apparently neither women wanted to be referred to as women; they were what's now called "binary.")

I'm all for peaceful protests. But for God's sake, use your head and be safe about it.

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