July 20, 2022

2 years ago

A man afflicted with Emetophobia, the debilitating fear of nausea, vomiting, or throwing up, is set upon by a hostile alien from interstellar space who can not only read his mind and discover everything about him using the dark web, but also has a machine onboard his spacecraft that can lock onto anything with speakers near him! Hovering high above his home the alien uses the translation function on this machine to speak with Gerald and torment him with nauseating memories like the time he stepped in the leavings from the neighbor's dog and accidentally walked it into his home. The memory of the ordeal sets his nerves on edge and Gerald is thrust into a quest to clear his life of all electronics with speakers. This proves more difficult than first expected and he ends up abandoning nearly every piece of technology in his life. All this of course happens the very day Gerald was meaning to impress his girlfriend Meredith on her birthday. He's planned to propose marriage. Unable to get a break and plagued by the delivery driver of a local Italian restaurant, the hapless Gerald finally beats his Emetophobia, but at the cost of his relationship, his belongings, and in the end, his life.
It's a front-row seat to the beginning of the end of the world!

Let us know in the comments what you think!

Written Directed and Produced by Ben and Joel Brooksby

Gerald Gundersen ….......... Aaron Brooksby
Fanizarelli's Pizza Guy ….. Jeremy Huff
Merideth His Girlfriend......Chelsea Shattuck

Non Human Cast:
The neighbor's dog.............Winston
The Space Squid................from “Abandoned In Space” (2012)

Music borrowed gratefully from Bernard Herman's:
Journey To The Center Of The Earth
and The Day The Earth Stood Still

Special Thanks to Engelbert Humperdinck for:
Chance to be a Hero
Don't Cry Out Loud
And the use of his likeness from the album cover

Post Production Art, Effects, Animation, Compositing, Color and Sound completed in house using Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, After Effects, and Audition as well as Blackmagic Design's DaVinci Resolve.

-Loosely based on “Attack of the Things” - intellectual property – Ben Brooksby – 2012
Written, shot, and first edited and exhibited in its 11 minute cut at It's Only A Movie, Oct 2013.
Rebuilt, Expanded, and finished finally in January 2018.
All Rights Reserved.

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