Ohio Looks to Let Single Mothers SUE Fathers Over "Unplanned" Pregnancy | Nurse & Her Scrubs

2 years ago

Lauren Southern is an old single mother realizing her old gimmick of being a "conservaTHOT" has passed her by and is taking down the system that propped her up on the way out. MAGA-girls and Feminists meet at the ends of the horseshoe.

Ohio State Senator Tina Maharath (Democrat, of course) is forwarding a bill that allows "people who become pregnant" to civilly sue the men who did the deed and resulted in an "unexpected" pregnancy. Sure that won't be used and abused. But hey, it's open season when it comes to disrespecting men! jUsT mAn Up!!!

Erika Diaz, 22, buys undersized scrubs and ties back the waist to make it seem like she has a problem with her massive breasts. She has a great body, but her mind is warped. She went on Tiktok (of course) to complain about the comments she was getting about her "unprofessional look," while perfectly in frame, in multiple shoots.

Women constantly look for validation and attention; however they can get it.

New York Post: https://nypost.com/2022/07/19/nurse-hits-back-at-trolls-who-call-scrubs-inappropriate/
WYSO: https://www.wyso.org/local-and-statewide-news/2022-07-07/ohio-bill-would-allow-pregnant-people-to-sue-men-for-unintended-pregnancies

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#TikTok #LaurenSouthern #Nurse

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