Our Entire Society Is One Big Satanic Ritual - Part 2

2 years ago

Our Entire Society Is One Big Satanic Ritual
- Mark Passio, July 2019

An eye-opening 2-part presentation taken from the What On Earth Is Happening podcast/video series.

Our Entire Society Is One Big Satanic Ritual (Part 2)
- What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #215: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Od25E83Q6H5r/

- Pre-requisites
- Modern society as a Death-Cult
- The Order Of Death, The Cult Of The Black Sun
- The term "Illuminati" as a tragically wrong misnomer
- Poisoning of the human biological system through the air, water and food
- Pollution from oil-base combustion engines
- Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG) Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI)
- Geoengineering, Operation Cloverleaf
- Chemtrails vs. Contrails
- Alkalization of soil destroys the ability to grow high-nutrient food
- Scientific Methodology and the Trivium and Quadrivium
- "Negative Knowledge"
- Plasmification of Earth's atmosphere
- Dr. Nick Begich, Thomas Bearden
- Action-At-A-Distance Weaponry, Scalar Interferomentry, Clifford Carnicom
- Fluoride in our drinking water, Fluoride Poisoning
- Benefits of Distilled Water and Structured Water, Reverse Osmosis
- Toxins in our food
- "Natural Cures" book by Kevin Trudeau
- Making people sick through food and drugs so they can’t think clearly or resist
- Poisoning human beings through Vaccines, Modern human diseases caused by Vaccination
- Autism is a spectrum of Vaccine Damage and not a disease
- The Death-Cult of our modern Medical System
- Dr. Russell Blaylock
- War as an endless Mass Human Satanic Sacrifice Ritual, Glorification of War in video games
- Freedom is inherent to Creation and is NEVER provided by soldiers
- False Flag Events as Mass Human Satanic Sacrifice Rituals
- False Flag events vs. Hoax Flag events, the Hegelian Dialectic
- "Shadow Ring" documentary
- The 9-11 False Flag Human Sacrifice Ritual, World Trade Center Building 7
- 7-7 in London as a False Flag Sacrifice Ritual
- The Dark Occult Mind Controllers, Social Engineering
- The Mass Slaughter of Animals a Perpetual Satanic Sacrifice Ritual
- The Interference Theory of Human Origins
- Abortion as a Perpetual Satanic Sacrifice Ritual
- Righteous Physical Rebellion is ALWAYS an option if a Revolution in Consciousness fails
- Rampant Pedophilia in human society
- Our Prison Society, 2.3 million Americans are incarcerated in prisons, 90% of incarcerated Americans are caged for non-violent "crimes"
- Prohibition is Slavery, Taxation is Slavery
- The Gramsci Plan of the "Long March through the Cultural Institutions"
- Our Money-Worshiping Society, the Dark Occult's "God" named Baal/Bel/Bil/Bull (B-L variants)
- Our Me-Me-Me Self-Centered and Self-Obsessed Society as Mini-Me Satanism

Mark Passio's Website: https://www.WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com

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