Top Astrophysicist Exposes Climate Hoax on The Sentinel Report

2 years ago

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The media, the government, and the United Nations are all LYING about the alleged threat posed by human emissions of CO2 and supposed man-made climate change, leading astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon in this interview with Alex Newman on The Sentinel Report.

Dr. Soon, who works with the Hungarian Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science and other prestigious scientific institutes, recently co-authored a study showing that the sun could explain all of the observed planetary warming.

Not only did the media and the UN ignore it, they attacked anyone who dared talk about it, including endless phony "fact checks" targeting an article on it by Newman in The Epoch Times. Dr. Soon is one of the media's most hated scientists.

Prior to the interview, Newman also breaks down some of the day's news including:

--US judge rules Biden administration's LGBTQ directives ordering schools and employers to allow men in women's restrooms are a violation of the Tenth Amendment. U.S. District Judge Charles Atchley Jr. sided with the 20 state attorneys general who sued. That means federal agencies cannot implement the decrees--for now.

-- Biden ordered hospitals nationwide to perpetrate abortions under the guise of providing "emergency care." Texas is suing. "Biden is attempting to twist federal law to force abortions in TX," said a statement from Attorney General Ken Paxton. "SCOTUS returned the issue to states. TX law protects pre-born life. Biden's HHS is attempting to undo all that....Not on my watch. I just filed suit. Ill ensure the left's abortion agenda can't reach TX babies."

--CD Media publisher and US Air Forces Special Operations helicopter pilot L Todd Wood is calling for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to be arrested and prosecuted for treason for aiding and abetting Communist China. "We are at war with the Chinese Communist Party. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is aiding and abetting the enemy by forcing this bioweapon on our armed forces , in order to weaken our military for the CCP. This also goes for the senior officers colluding with Austin, forcing the vaccine on our troops. More than 260,000 troops stand to be discharged over this policy, reported Breitbart. The U.S. Army has only reached 40% of its recruitment goal for the year. No one wants to be under the vaccine mandate, which is killing and maiming soldiers.
This is treason, plain and simple. No sane person can think otherwise. The numbers are too large. SecDef Austin and his colluding generals must be arrested, charged and prosecuted for treason immediately.
This includes the leadership at the service academies involved in this plot. There is no time to wait. Kinetic war has already started."

--New Communist Chinese war film glorifying killing American savages, ‘The Battle at Lake Changjin,’ is officially the regime's top-grossing film of all time at almost $1 billion. It is filled with lies and anti-American war propaganda that appears designed to psychologically prime Chinese people for a war against the United States. We show part of the preview.

--A good guy with a gun, 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken, stopped a mass shooting at a mall in Greenwood, Indiana. He confronted and shot the killer with his legally carried firearm under the state's Constitutional Carry system, allowing people to keep and bear arms with no permit. The media immediately disappeared the story.
confronting and killing the mass shooter just after he began shooting.

-Transgender Assistant U.S. Secretary for Health and Human Services wants children to be able to access tax-funded sex changes everywhere, regardless of what their parents think. We've got the video.

--Gays Against Groomers: A lesbian speaks out about what the movement has done and how she never would have supported it if she knew it would lead to drag shows for kids. Watch:

--Gallup Poll shows barely 1 in 4 trust government school system: "The poll illustrates the differing degrees of trust held by the country's two major political parties," Just the News commented. "Among Democrats, 43% say they have confidence in the school system, compared to just 14% of Republicans. The rate among independents is 29%."

--Fake media pretenders are sad. Some lady from NBC fake news, Katy Tur, laments the fact that Americans know they are lying: Watch video:

--U.S. Senator Ron Johnson says Hunter Biden is working directly for Communist China, and Joe Biden knows it. "This is a huge scandal. The American public deserves the truth, because it is putting at risk our national security, because we have a compromised president who has lied repeatedly to the American public, saying that he never talked to Hunter about his overseas business transactions."

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