Dr. William Grace clips from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2 years ago

I have captured two very interesting clips by Dr. William Grace affiliated with the Lennox Hill Hospital, that are still available from Facebook from the first year of the pandemic on the role of hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, and N-acetyl-cysteine. The March 22, 2020 clip is particularly interesting because it shows that we had very good understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms by which covid-19 damages the human body. The McCullough protocol is based on these insights. surprisingly this video clips had not been censored by Facebook at the time that I captured them.

Correction: EUA means Emergency Use Authorization, not Executive Use Authorization.

The Zelenko protocol
M. Scholz, R. Derwand, V. Zelenko. "COVID-19 outpatients - early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study", International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 56 (2020), 106214

The McCullough protocol
P.A. McCullough, P.E. Alexander, R. Armstrong, C. Arvinte, A.F. Bain, R.P. Bartlett, R.L. Berkowitz, A.C. Berry, T.J. Borody, J.H. Brewer, A.M. Brufsky, T. Clarke, R. Derwand, A. Eck, J. Eck, R.A. Eisner, G.C. Fareed, A. Farella, S.N.S. Fonseca, C.E. Geyer, Jr., R.S. Gonnering, K.E. Graves, K.B.V. Gross, S. Hazan, K.S. Held, H. Thomas Hight, S. Immanuel, M.M. Jacobs, J.A. Ladapo, L.H. Lee, J. Littell, I. Lozano, H.S. Mangat, B. Marble, J.E. McKinnon, L.D. Merritt, J.M. Orient, R. Oskoui, D.C. Pompan, B.C. Procter, C. Prodromos, J.C. Rajter, J-J. Rajter, C. V.S. Ram, S.S. Rios, H.A. Risch, M.J.A. Robb, M. Rutherford, M. Scholz, M.M. Singleton, J.A. Tumlin, B.M. Tyson, R.G. Urso, K. Victory, E.L. Vliet, C.M. Wax, A.G. Wolkoff, V. Wooll, V. Zelenko. "Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)", Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine 21 (4) (2020), 517-530

The suppression of hydroxychloroquine by corrupt government officials who disobeyed the orders of President Trump to release the stockpiled medication that was donated to the United States for the purpose of treating COVID-19.
S. Hatfill. "The Intentional Destruction of the National Pandemic Plan", Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons 26 (2021), 74-76

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