Strong And Courageous

2 years ago

We grow to be more like Jesus as we grow through the tests of this time. God never said that it would be easy here. In fact, Jesus actually said we would have many trials, that life might get hard for us, but that He would be with us. When we accepted Jesus in our hearts, did we mistakenly believe that everything would smell like roses from then on? The greatest gift of accepting Jesus in our hearts was a future, which is not here and God’s Presence with us here. We are not alone. Our salvation guarantees that. We are never alone, we face nothing alone, we always have the strength, courage, grace, wisdom and peace of God. God with us, the fragrance of God in this stanky world is always with us. This is why it makes no sense when we quit on God and we quit living life. We have the most amazing strength in us and Jesus has given us courage to face this day, a time such as this.

If we are afraid, we face life afraid with a bold courage, we press through the fear with courage, because God is with us. God has gone before us to make a way and we know God has already won. Courage is stepping out into the fear of the unknown and doing what God has asked us to do. When the stank of this world overcomes us, we don’t quit on God because we have been filled with the fragrance of God, equipped by Him to be strong and courageous in Him in times such as these. Yes life can get super hard, very stanky, but we don’t quit. God never quits on us, not one of us. We should never quit on God and other people. Tap into the strength of God. No, it is not easy, Yes, we are growing to be more like God as we face the trials of this season of life.

Our character grows as we press through hard times in the strength and joy of God. Be bold, be strong, be courageous in Christ. No more excuses for not trying, never give up, stand strong in God, on the side of God’s Truth and wait patiently, pressing on in Christ, waiting for Him to come through, because He will, He will do things in His way and it will turn out great, more than we could ever have hoped for or imagined. So be bold, be strong and courageous and don’t quit, God is with us, God is for us. God bless ya. Dig Deeper:

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