30-60-90 yard sprints!

3 years ago

Over the weeks I have been progressing my distances, and am now up to 90 yards. (For example, the last session was 50 and 80 yards). Now that I went up to 90, I decided to split things into 3 different distances, being 30, 60, and 90 yards.

I did 3 rounds of each, which is 9, plus a 10th finishing set running 110 yards there and back ("t&b").

Next I will likely move to 40/70/100, and when I hit 110 yards that will probably be back to 2 distances, like 50 or 55 and 110 yards.

Flow Markers (timestamps):
0:00 Intro
3:05 30 yards #1 from side view
7:05 60 yards #1 from rear view
10:00 Discussion of World Records for my category
12:05 90 yards #1
18:15 30 yards #2 from other side
22:05 60 yards #2
27:05 90 yards #2
34:00 finishing set 110 yards t&b

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