Judges of the Brazilian Supreme Court subvert Democracy

3 years ago

Judges of the Brazilian Supreme Court subvert Democracy.

In recent months, the Brazilian population has been experiencing moments of total legal instability, bringing disorder and unrest to its citizens.

Now, amazingly, all this disorder is caused precisely by those who should ensure the constitutional stability of Brazil: the judges who are members of its Supreme Court.

This disorder is the result of unconstitutional acts and
arbitrators of these judges, such as:

• Criminalization of opinion and its expression, with the threat of imprisonment of ordinary citizens, journalists, deputies and ministers, preventing prisoners from having access to the inquiries and documents that led to their arrests.

Even some of those threatened, cornered and frightened by these arbitrariness, decided to go into exile with their families abroad.

• Dispatches that veto the constitutional powers of the President of the Republic, interfering and preventing him from appointing his advisors an with the removal of the President's powers to conduct the pandemic, amongst others.

• Interferences in Parliament distorting the interpretation of laws

. enacted Ilegal release of corrupted political, social, criminals, convicted and imprisoned by various lower spheres and for robust and abundant material evidence and witnesses, for this to happen.

They are sustained by fancy contortions laws, Interferences and bad conduction for the approval of laws, with blackmailing members of Parliament, threatening them to be sentenced in the processes that they have before the Court, in case the results of the laws are contrary to those proposed by them.

Direct interference in the country's electoral process, preventing the formation of new parties that are not interesting for its ideological purposes, ditto for the affiliation of some candidates.

In addition to imposing that the electoral process be carried out through electronic voting machines, proven to be violated by the electoral body itself.

Plus the worst:
electronic vote counting secretly, only with the presence of their ideological partners.

All these unconstitutional acts of these judges are deliberately disclosed by them, with the clear objective of generating legal instability on the citizens, subverting democratic principles and human rights in Brazil.

Canal Estratégias da Direita - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ_VLQgVZdTiLATez1IncJA

#estrategiasdadireita #VotoImpresso #Bolsonaro

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