The Michaelson Williams TSX Podcast Episode 3, No Money Down with Gabriel Hamel

2 years ago

The Michaelson Williams TSX Podcast episode 3

Interview by: Michaelson Williams

My interview with Mr. Hamel was both exciting and enlightening! Gabriel opened my eyes to some misconceptions I had about real estate and buying property with No Money Down.

Gabriel is an open book and loves to help others with no expectation of
immediate return. This is a rear find in people today, so enjoy Gabriel's story and then take action.

MMAP Magazine published Gabriel's interview in two parts, as the information was is just to important to truncate. As a reader of MMAP Magazine, take your time engaging Gabriel's story, and then visit his website.

This episode was sponsored by Goal Phoenix Crypto, courses that help you build your crypto portfolio, and MMAP Magazine, the magazine for the serious success seeker, like you.

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