Jesus will take His bride in the rapture only!!

2 years ago

Jesus has had enough and the trumpet will sound and thousands of people will just be gone!!! Jesus is taking only His bride and will leave everyone else left behind, God will then unleash His wrath on the entire world!!, All the lukewarm phony church people will be left behind they are not ready for Jesus at all, if you are not dressed for a wedding you will not enter the wedding, you wear what the Father gives you to wear!! Jesus the bridegroom went to heaven to get it ready for His bride and will just show up and take everyone who is ready for Him and will leave everyone else left behind!! All the wicked will be destroyed and will suffer and deserve it!! God will punish them all, all the gays, lesbians trans sodomites, abortion murderers, abusers, sexual abusers, drug users, haters of God, Muslims, Catholics, Baptists, church of Christ, Dr, nurses, rich people, those who curse God and use His name in vain , self righteous church people, everyone who is not in Jesus is God enemy and not safe from God wrath!! Then the 6th seal was opened and a huge earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair and the whole moon became like blood, and the stars fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops unripe figs when shaken by a great wind, the sky was split like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from it's place, then the king's of the earth, the rich, the general's, the leader's, the strong , the free and slave hid themselves in a cave and said to the rocks of the mountains, fall on us and hide us from Him who sits on the throne for the wrath of the Lord has begun and who can stand , God will destroy all the wicked and all the dead lukewarm church people will be left behind to!! Judgement is here and will get much worse!!

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