Miss Frijoles 2022

2 years ago


YouTube has "removed my content" for violating their misinformation policy. Content that advances claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome of the U.S. 2020 presidential election is not allowed on YouTube. Marsha Blackburn responded to my e-mail concerning the American Innovation and Choice Online Act. A Portland-based summer camp for kids in grades four through eight is attracting attention for aiming to create young anarchists bent on overthrowing society. The Democrat congressman running against Republican Mayra Flores for a Texas House seat paid a blogger who refers to the Hispanic candidate as “Miss Frijoles,” “cotton-pickin’ liar,” and even more vile insults. 

Built Puffs Mixed Box:   https://shrsl.com/3l84i

Blue Coolers:  https://shrsl.com/3ly0l

Tapp into the Truth at Locals.com:  https://tappintothetruth.locals.com/

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