Edmonton, Alberta Soul Winning July 22-24

2 years ago

SFBCN is going on a soul winning trip to Edmonton, Alberta July 22-24. There will be soul winning marathons on Friday and Sunday from approximately 2-7pm and additional soul winning on Saturday. If you are in the area and interested please join us for soul winning and fellowship.

If you want more information email surefoundationnorth@gmail.com


Sure Foundation Baptist Church North is a church plant of Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver, Washington. We are an Independent, Fundamental, King James Bible Only, Soul Winning, Family Integrated, Baptist Church

We have three services per week: Sundays at 11:00am & 5:00pm, Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Our location is 204-10663 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC Canada

Please donate at www.sfbcnorth.com/donate.

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