Luke 16:13 – 31; July 3, 2022; They have Moses and the Prophets

2 years ago

Luke 16:13 – 31; July 3, 2022; They have Moses and the Prophets

In this week's topical message, Pastor Kevin takes a break from our Deuteronomy study to reflect anew on the certain truth that one day, each one of us will die a physical death. As we were reminded last week, in the sudden passing of a beloved member in our church last week, our own death day could be any day, even today. In our passage today, we learn some important truths: for believers in Jesus, only what we do for the Lord in this life matters for eternity; for unbelievers, there is no opportunity to repent after you die. Those who reject Jesus will spend eternity in torment, separated from God for ever. Are you ready to die?


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