EU Parliament - Doctor Calls for cease to Mandatory Vaccines Citing Effective Treatment in India to eradicate Pandemic & Deaths in EU & USA

2 years ago

The European Union hear a passionate plea from this doctor to cease mandatory vaccination following the cease of the pandemic in countries like India who made existing early treatment available and who ceased mandatory vaccination early. He reminds the parliament that under treaties such as the Nuremberg Code, it is illegal to force and experimental medical procedure upon people. He cites that these injections are still in Phase 3 trails and only approved under Emergency Authorisation use because of their experimental nature. He cites deaths from the lethal injections as at 36,000 in Europe and 25,000 deaths in the United States including athletes at the time of the video recording. He also mentions that these injections should only be used when no other treatments are available. Countries like India and Brazil have proved that early treatment with existing well known, approved medications works to ridding populations of CV-19. Zinc and Vitamin C being in the care packages sent to all Brazilian Home along with Ivermectin. Well worth your 2 minutes to watch. Subtitles help English speakers follow what he is saying.

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