"Law & Order: Organized Crime" Crew Member Shot On-Set | Jose Alba's Self Defense Charge DROPPED!

2 years ago

New York City is a disaster zone. The moment one wrong was righted, another takes is place.

Jose Alba, the bodega worker who caught a spurious Second Degree Murder wrap for clearly utilizing Self Defense, was stuck out on Rikers Island, only to now get his charges dropped. The fact he was treated that badly by the Government, it lays out what they are planning to do with ANYONE who dares fight back.

A crew member for "Law & Order: Organized Crime," Johnny Pizarro, was gunned down earlier today. He was sitting in his car when the assailant, still at large, opened up the drivers door and fired multiple shots into the car, killing Pizarro. Nothing about the suspect is known, besides a black sweatsuit that he was wearing. Some weird theory was floated around, but the long and short is that the Big Apple is far beyond rotten at this point.

Breitbart 1: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/07/19/manhattan-da-drops-charges-bodega-worker-who-stabbed-man-self-defense/
B2: https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/07/19/law-order-organized-crime-crew-member-shot-dead-near-shows-brooklyn-set/
New York Post: https://nypost.com/2022/07/19/crew-member-shot-dead-on-law-order-set-in-nyc-cops/

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#LawandOrderOrganizedCrime #NYC #JoseAlba

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