House-Sitting » House-Sit #3 » 2 Delightful Dogs » San Andrés Huayapam, Oaxaca, Mexico

2 years ago

* PLEASE NOTE: My apologies for the screen turning black for a few seconds, in the video introduction. I had inserted cute photos of Beanie & Pelu, and the house-sit garden on top of my video. For some reason, these photos didn't export, and instead we see a black screen. Annoying. But I chose not to re-edit and re-upload, as it would break the chronology and flow of videos. I'm still learning how the video format works, so thank you for your patience *

A short time ago, we wrapped up our six weeks with two very sweet pups: Beanie & Pelu. I mentioned previously they're sisters from the same litter, but they have such endearing, distinct personalities. Beanie is happy-go-lucky, excitable, and lives for playing fetch. Pelu is somber, complicated, and deeply loving. My favorite memories from this house-sit are of our swimming trips, which the two pups each enjoyed in their own way. Beanie launches herself into the air to fetch infinity sticks, while Pelu swims laps in the distance. It was a delightful spectacle.

They got twice daily walks, which proved to be endlessly entertaining, and at times, challenging, due to the high number of outside dogs; some strays, but mostly outside pets or watch dogs. Their days also included two raw food meals, which seems fairly common for house-sit doggies. It was actually refreshing to have such a steady routine, and a home base, after months of freeform temporarily-nomadic life.

Because I'm trying to be considerate of our hosts' privacy, I'm not including photos of their adorable house. But I can assure you, the environment was comfortable, filled with art and handmade wares, and their shady garden was a relaxing retreat. We look forward to returning to Huayapam in the fall!

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