Wilson Combat 45th Anniversary Special Edition Custom 1911 - CQB Retro .45 ACP Classic Handgun

2 years ago

To commemorate Wilson Combat’s 45th Anniversary of gun-smithing, we are bringing back a classic “retro” style 1911 that built the foundation of our business back in the late 1970s and early 1980s. 

Custom 1911 handguns of that period were rapidly evolving based on the needs of practical pistol shooters and Wilson Combat emerged as a leader in 1911 handgun customization by focusing on performing superior quality work at a fair price with a reasonable delivery time-those core values still drive our business today.The 45th Anniversary 1911 handguns that we are building are very limited in nature and truly exceptional in cosmetics and quality. 

We have chosen to revert back to some of the classic custom touches we were known for like an upswept, retro grip safety.

A traditional Bo-Mar style adjustable rear sight with a staked ramp front,

A retro Commander style hammer,  

A Swenson-style ambidextrous thumb safety.

And a coarsely serrated slide top reminiscent of the finest bespoke guns available to shooters at the time.This custom 45th Anniversary model will dress out in a fully hand-polished deluxe blue finish.

With handcrafted, premium desert ironwood grips featuring a smooth finish that shows off its amazing grain.

And markings and logos will harken back to our early models, albeit with more modern cosmetics.
Timeless style combined with limited production and impeccable quality ensure the Wilson Combat 45th Anniversary edition will be an instant collectible and highly sought after for generations to come.

Wilson Combat. Quality You Trust, Service You Deserve. Since 1977.

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#WilsonCombat #45thAnniversary #1911

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