"Do I Qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits?"

2 years ago

How do you find out if you have enough earnings credits to qualify for SSDI benefits?

Social Security’s SSDI program is one of the two main types of disability. You qualify for SSDI if you have paid in enough FICA taxes to earn a certain number of credits. If you have earned enough credits you will be “fully insured” for SSDI, but if you do not have enough credits you cannot pursue SSDI; instead you would be limited to the less desirable SSI program.

As I discuss in this video, the onset date for your disabling condition needs to be before your date last insured for SSDI. For example, if your date last insured is October 31, 2018, the onset date for your disability must be prior to October 31, 2018. In this example, if you become disabled on November 5, 2018, you are out of luck because you are not covered.

Assuming you are found disabled prior to your date last insured, your claim is grandfathered in - you could continue to collect SSDI for the next 20 year.

You earn SSDI credits based on your gross earnings in a calendar year. In 2020, you would earn one credit for every $1,410 in gross earnings.

In 2021, you need $1,470 of gross earnings for one credit. You can earn a maximum of four (4) credits in a year. So for 2020, you would earn four credits with $5,640 in gross earnings and in 2021, you would need $5,880 in gross earnings.

In 2022, you need $1,510 of gross earnings for one credit. You can earn a maximum of four (4) credits in a year. To earn four credits, you would need $6,040 in gross earnings.

SSA publishes a table showing how much in gross earnings you need per year to earn one credit - that table is at https://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/QC.html.

To qualify for SSDI you need a certain number of credits earned in the recent past:

- if you are alleging disability prior to age 24, you need at least 6 credits earned in the 3 year period ending when your disability starts

- if you are alleging disability between age 24 and 31 you need credits equal to working half the time between age 21 and the time you become disabled

- if you are alleging disability after age 31, you need 20 credits in the 10 year period prior to becoming disabled.

Here is a link to the SSA page explaining this further: https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/planner/credits.html

You can find out if you are insured and how much you will receive from SSDI by downloading an earnings and benefit statement at https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/. Here is a link to other benefits calculators at the SSA website: https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/calculators/.

Generally speaking if you have worked consistently up until two or three years ago, you will be insured for SSDI. If you last worked more that five years ago, you may not be insured.


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=================CONTACT ME========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://ssdAnswers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinsbergLaw/
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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