Shifting of Russian military operations to Donbass region in the east is only temporary

2 years ago

Top U.S. intel officials fear Russia may use nuclear weapons against Ukraine... if the conflict poses an existential threat.
[Arirang News]
1. Russia is still looking to achieve military objectives beyond eastern Ukraine after "failing" to capture Kyiv in the early stages of the war, the US intelligence chief has said.

Speaking to US lawmakers on Tuesday, Avril Haines, the US director of national intelligence, said the shifting of Russian military operations to Ukraine’s Donbass region in the east is only temporary.

“We assess President Putin is preparing for a prolonged conflict in Ukraine during which he still intends to achieve goals beyond the Donbass,” Haines said.

“We assess that Putin’s strategic goals have probably not changed, suggesting he regards the decision in late March to refocus Russian forces on the Donbas is only a temporary shift to regain the initiative after the Russian military’s failure to capture Kyiv.”
2. The U.S. House has passed a 40 billion dollar bill to make it easier for Washington to provide humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine.

President Joe Biden had urged the Congress to quickly approve this new bill, as the world is paying close attention to whether the West will be able to expand its military alliance against Russia.
3. Finland and Sweden are to decide this week whether to become NATO members.

According to earlier reports, an inter-party analysis of the security policy situation would be prepared in Sweden by May 13. Sweden’s ruling Social Democratic Workers' Party is expected to make a decision regarding the country's NATO membership on May 15.

In Finland, most parliament members have already supported the idea of NATO membership. The country’s president and government will make a joint decision on Finland’s bid. Prime Minister Sanna Marin stated that she would make an announcement before her Social Democratic Party came to a decision at a May 14 meeting.

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