HIPAA provides no privacy whatsoever.

2 years ago

Glenn Beck and Jeff Brown discussion.

HIPAA was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on August 21, 1996.

HIPAA provides no privacy whatsoever. Hospitals are selling our personal medical information/data right now, day in day out.

While we were sleeping Google/Alphabet made a deal with the Ascension healthcare system (2,600+ health care facilities, 143 hospitals in 19 states) to buy ALL their "identifiable" patient data about you and me. HIPAA has had language in it from it's start in 1996 that allowed this. Today Ascension, HCA next? Tomorrow the world?

Take away? HIPAA is a lie, a joke, it has been all along. It was a lie from the start. It came with a loophole you could sail an aircraft carrier through.

Still using Google Chrome, Maps, Gmail, Search, Pixel Phones, Google Assistant etc etc? There are alternatives that work fine.

Source: https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/digital/google-ascension-deal-comes-concerns-rise-use-health-data

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