2 years ago


For the most part, it is a made up phrase, but what it represents is people waking up from lies to the TRUTH.

To understand it, the first thing you need to get a hold of is God is the author of TRUTH, and satan is the author of lies.

satan actively tries to indoctrinate all realms with lies to advance the kingdom of darkness. And when Gods people / His Church don’t walk in the authority they are designed/called to walk in to advance the KINGDOM OF GOD, satan is successful.

he inserts himself into your personal life and specific realms to indoctrinate them with lies. These specific realms are CHURCH, FAMILY, EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT, MEDIA, ENTERTAINMENT & MEDICAL.

However, when Gods Church prays and starts to take dominion back, a shift occurs on earth. Earth starts to look different because the KINGDOM OF GOD is taking authority and dominion back. The Church starts to live out this scripture “Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven..” and it is successful.

We are witnessing it right now.

The Church is rising up and it’s having an effect.

When this occurs, the kingdom of darkness does whatever it can to maintain control, so it gets extremely messy. But so long as Gods Church keeps moving forward in the power and authority they have in Jesus, NOTHING CAN STOP IT. NOTHING.

Continue to advance CHURCH. Evil will continue to fall and many will come to know Jesus. He will be glorified in your midst and amazing things will breakout🤍

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