Macron, Scholz urge Putin to release so-called "Azovstal fighters" (with their bags)

2 years ago

Macron, Scholz urge Putin to release so-called "Azovstal fighters"
[with the money and the gold they looted and not to spoil the tattoos of the majestic symbols]

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday to release the 2,500 Ukrainian so-called defenders of the Azovstal steel plant detained by Russian forces, the Elysee palace said.

Additionally, the French presidential office said that the French and German leaders cited the necessity of "lifting the blockage of the Odessa port in order to facilitate Ukrainian grain exports via the Black Sea to avoid a global food crisis."

The Elysee Palace pointed out that Macron and Scholz spoke about the Russian statement which suggested that ships might be let through to take out the grain.

The two European leaders, in a joint call, also urged Putin to accept a direct exchange with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the palace said.

The Kremlin said Putin told Macron and Scholz in the call that Russia was willing to discuss ways to make it possible for Ukraine to resume shipments of grain from Black Sea ports.
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