Your Transformation Journey Podcast with Guest Kim Egelsee

2 years ago

Kim Somers Egelsee is an Intuitive, an inspirational speaker, #1 best selling author, life and business coach who helps men and women heal their emotions, energy,and limiting beliefs, find their true gifts and purpose, flow through fear and move forward with positive communication, action, confidence and success. She focuses with you in areas of your life so that you can heal, receive intuitive guidance and move forward with peace, grace and ease.Kim is the multi #1 best selling author of the multi award winning “Getting Your Life to a Ten +”, and “Living the Ten+ Life”(both books are still on the best seller list), co-author of 12 books; including the recent #1 best seller, “Inspirational Influencers”, a multiple award winning inspirational TEDX speaker, life and business coach, intuitive, hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, columnist and TV host. Kim has shared stages with greats; Brian Tracy, Darren Hardy, Chris Widener, Dennis Waitley, Niurka and more. Kim is the co-host of the well known podcast “Talk Purpose and Truth” with Eden Sustin on Spotify, iTunes and more! Kim has been a co-host of the global variety talk show, “Samira’s Show, which airs to over 150 million people in Asia, Europe, Canada, United States, and Iran, she has had her own “Getting Your Life to a Ten +” web series with the Hallmark channel’s Spirit Clips speaker series and has also hosted her own web series, “Passion, Power Confidence” and “Inspirational Influencers”. Kim hosts and leads regular events and workshops, is a keynote speaker, leads business success mastermind groups, and has a Ten+ life coaching certification program. Kim also works with Kyle Wilson, (founder of Jim Rohn International, Jim’s 18-year partner, and who has worked with Jack Canfield, Og Mandino, Zig Zigler and more) with Lessons From Network as a contributor, event host and speaker, and has a course called “Ten Weeks to Confidence”.

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