TheNewView - Beyond Left and Right - Now the Synthesis

2 years ago

Ellen Brown starts us off with a brief report on the dive of crypto currencies.

Alanna Hartzok takes us through series of informative, intriguing and sometimes humorous images that clarify the basic principles and values of both the right and the left showing how their polarization has led to the current state of antagonisms and impasse. Meanwhile obscene wealth and power inequality continues to enable the "one percent" to play the divide and conquer seesaw game. Efforts to find a middle path of compromise have led to a morass of dead ends and further despair.

Now the Synthesis points the way to a genuine and practical way forward with principles and policies that balance and harmonize the core values of both the right AND the left - freedom AND fairness, efficiency AND equity, the individual AND the community.

After the slide presentation several New View team members have a dynamic conversation about Beyond Left and Right - Now the Synthesis! (Please be patient with some technical difficulties in the beginning of this video.)

The New View Team Brief Bios

Alanna Hartzok is a Tax Shift Projects Admin, twice US Congressional Candidate (Democrat and Green Parties), and author of The Earth Belongs to Everyone (Radical Middle Book Award). She initiated and was instrumental in the passage of tax reform legislation in Pennsylvania. She has given lectures and seminars in 38 countries and is an NGO (Non-Gov) Consultant for United Nations ECOSOC. and here:

Ellen Brown is an attorney, chair of the Public Banking Institute, and author of thirteen books including Web of Debt, The Public Bank Solution, and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age. She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called “It’s Our Money.” Her 300+ blog articles are posted at

Diane Perlman PhD is a political psychologist, the US Convener for Transcend International and Editorialist for Transcend Media Service; her,,

Ginger Metraux PhD integrates psychology with mysticism as she seeks a higher consciousness perspective for everyday life as well as for the world. Through her background as musician, artist, psychologist, nutritionist, astrologer, and now channeler, she is focused on creating a pathway to a positive future for herself and others. Find her manifestation/spiritual knowledge on and channeled wisdom available on

Norie Huddle is a coach, consultant and President of the Center for New National Security ( She is the creator of The Best Game on Earth (, co-founder and owner of the Garden of Paradise in Ecuador ( The author of seven books on environmental and national-global security themes, her book Surviving: The Best Game on Earth (1984) was a NYT bestseller and three other books have been bestsellers. Her book Butterfly has become a popular global meme to describe humanity in transformation.

Carol Brouillet is co-founder of many non-profit organizations, including the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, publisher of the Deception and Perception Dollars, hyperactivist for three decades. Her website is

Marilyn Langlois is a member of TRANSCEND, an international network for peaceful conflict transformation, and guest editorialist for TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE. A community organizer and international solidarity activist based in Richmond, California, her key interests are reigning in the super-rich and uplifting the poor by shedding light on suppressed truths to counter toxic propaganda that serves the unjust status quo. Her writings can be found at (search on Marilyn Langlois).

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