2 Common Myths About Back Pain That You Must Know

2 years ago

😫If you or someone you love has exhausted all their options and is tired of trudging from specialist to specialist and getting nowhere, this may be your answer...
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If you sit at a desk hunched over for long stretches, the muscles on the front of your body (like your abs, lats and pecs) become tight…

…and the muscles on your back that support your spine become weak.

Sitting hunched creates a tug of war effect that puts unnecessary stress on the joints, ligaments and tendons around your pelvis, hips and spine.

The result? Stress builds up in your lower back.

After months or years of your body in this position, this imbalance grows into major issues…

Muscle imbalances shut off blood flow, preventing oxygen and other vital nutrients from reaching your back… and also contorts your spine over time3…
Injuries you may not remember or you don’t even know are happening spring up throughout the affected area…
Repetitive work, aggravated by the absence of movement and proper nutrients, creates a severe neuromuscular disconnect, slowly shutting down normal motor control.
Imagine doing the same job, 8 eight hours a day, for 5, 10, 15 years…
All these issues “lock” your body (and your pain) in place. Your body becomes “a prison of pain.”
If nothing is done to resolve muscle imbalances, you’re setting yourself up to throw your back out, suffer a herniated disc, or even battle life-long sciatica.

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