Ashley Arnold leading her cattle back home Sunday morning 17 July 2022 - Lenawee County, Michigan

2 years ago

When you own livestock sometimes despite good fencing and trying your best to keep them inside your fence they still get out. After I did my morning chores I spotted Ashley's donkey on the road and then her two horses soon thereafter. I called her, told her they were out, told her I would help, and immediately went to saddle up my mare Avi. My sweetheart wife woke up Joel and he saddled up his mare Bella. We got the two horses and donkey in easy BUT they had been in the same pasture with nine cattle and the cattle were nowhere to be seen. Joel and I went scouting where I had heard cattle early in the morning. And while we were scouting Ashley called with a tip someone sent her via FB Messenger - so we took off for Onsted Hwy and soon found tracks and then saw the cattle. I asked if any of her cattle were trained to lead - she has a SUPER friendly well mannered Polled Hereford bull whom she slipped a halter on and with a 1/4 bucket of grain lead her cattle home down the road (the clearest path) while Joel and I blocked traffic and once the cattle were back in her yard helped very gently ease them through the open gates. Another neighbor Tony Holtz immediately when asked blocked the road which allowed me to get my horse positioned to help with the cattle when needed - Tony also helped push the cattle a wee bit when they stalled in Ashley's yard - just a little so they didn't bolt when so close to recaptured. And a couple of other neighbors also helped block traffic for a spell. IMO - neighbors are supposed to help their neighbors. May I respectfully suggest that you intentionally be the kind of neighbor who immediately "saddles up" and helps when help is needed.

Video was taken by Dr. Susan Griffes

Remember to read, study, and ponder upon God's word each day and also pray each day to find out what God needs you to do today and then do it. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
Certified Farrier - Colt Starting Trainer
Learn Founding Principles

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