Get a paper book about plants. Johnny Appleseed

2 years ago

Hello my beloved Mankind.

I don't know what this song is for, I just liked the title. 🦧

Anyway, I want you to know that I spent my furlough planting vegetables for you all.

They are concentrated from I70E and West.
And I71N to South from Columbus Ohio.

These vegetables are Heritage seeds, so you can regrow the seeds.

They are not in plain sight.

Look further inward and you may find them.

Get a paper book about natural plants so that you may be bountiful if this need arises.

I planted a tomato right between a wild raspberry and wild strawberries.

Wild grapevines overhead.

An incredible variety of edible and medicinal plants all around this Non-descript area!

Within 10ft, I found so so many valuable plants.
An Oasis.
Imagine what else there is around the World.

Life giving food is under your feet folks!
Do you see?
Do you want to be independent if the need be?

It makes a great hobby to just learn these things.

I have been doing this all my life, since I was able to walk.

Heck, I remember walking across a field, and my girlfriend got a bad cut on her leg.

I reached down and crumpled some plantain leaves that are just a weed.

She put them on her cut and it clotted right away.
She was amazed!
I thought WTHeck, it is just common knowledge.

Now, I know that it is Not Common knowledge.

Play make it common knowledge for you and your loved ones...
Video games are entertaining...
So is Nature.
Decisions, decisions...🌱😔🎮

Caution, Learn how to test edible plants!!!

Grapes are fairly easy...
If the seeds are round, it is good.
If the seeds are moon shaped, poisonous.

If desperate, test a plant on your wrist..
Then test it on the inside of your elbow.
Then test it on your face, carefully.

Then chew a small bit and spit it out.

Each of these should be 15min apart.

If no reaction, it should be ok to ingest a small bit.

I Am Not Giving Medical Advice...
This is basic military training that I share.

Water has always been my greatest challenge.
Brackish or still waters are breeding grounds for bacteria and Nasty Nasty parasites!!!
I mean some really Nasties.
No joke.

I have drank from some with iodine, but study for yourself.

Drinking morning dew off of Nonpoisonous plants is one of my favorites


These are extreme circumstances, but, they can be thrust upon us quickly.

Get some of those water filtration straws.
You can use rocks and sand in smaller and smaller increments with some burned wood in the bottom (charcoal) if needed.

If the S hits the fan and there is radiation, drink from the toilet tanks.

Man, I digress!


So.. I have been planting vegetables along highways this week.

They are not obvious, and if you find them, you may have to share your tomato with worms, birds and such...
It ain't a grocery store.

Get what you can.

Look everywhere along the roadside.
It is filled with food If You Know What to look for.

I will also continue to plant for us.
You can also...
Take it well off the road if you wish to do this.

I have Tomato, Cucumber, Squashes, Beans(green and dry), Zucchini, Potatoes, Beets, Carrots, Parsnips (ick), Melons, Broccoli, Cayenne Peppers, Oregano, Garlic and others on the interstates of central Columbus Ohio.

Other places as well.

I have a more strategic plan for my close friends.

These are my plan B.C. and D.

However, if you are hungry and starving, look for the familiar plants of Johnny Appleseed.

Please, please learn your other plants...

I have also planted Castor Bean nearby.
Do not Touch anything you do not Recognize.

I suggest covering hands, legs, face and arms with mud before foraging.

Wash off immediately after.

This is all for now.

Prep a bit please!!!!
Water, water purification and Mac and cheese, canned beans at the minimum.

I may sound like a nut now, but a nut is going to look quite tasty if we are hungry. Yes?

Remember, Biden Promised Us Starvation this very Fall.

Don't let Biden Trump card you.
Trump card Them!!

I so love you my brothers and sisters.

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