"That's My Child" Dee Kramer/Encouragers

4 years ago

Encouragers "That's My Child" with Miracle Story: Listen as Dee Kramer shares the amazing story of her miracle, and the song written from this powerful journey. Be sure and watch to the very end.

Written by Dee & Danny Kramer

She'd never known such pain in all her years,
but now the nights were long and filled with tears.
She'd lost the little one she'd carried in her womb,
but through her tears she cried:
“Dear Lord, I still have You.”

“That's MY child,” the Father cries in Heaven,
“That's MY child. She has fought the fight and won.
Though Satan raged against her
she held strong to my hand.
All of Heaven....come and SEE !
This one belongs to ME. That's MY child.”

He walked into the home that he had shared
with his wife of 40 years. He loved her so.
He told himself “She's gone..
How will I make it through?”
But through his tears, he cried:
“Dear Lord, I still have You.”

“That's MY child,” the Father cries in Heaven,
“That's MY child. He has fought the fight and won.
Though Satan raged against him,
he held strong to my hand.
All of Heaven, come and SEE!
This one belongs to ME. That's MY child.”

Through all those nights your heart was breaking,
yet your faith stood strong
Just know that He looked down to see
that you held on! And He cried......

“That's MY child,” the Father cries in Heaven,
“That's MY child. You have fought the fight and won.
Though Satan raged against you,
you held strong to MY hand.
All of Heaven, come and SEE !
This one belongs to ME !
All of Heaven, come and SEE!
That's MY child.....that's MY child !
That's MY child !”

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