7 years ago

These rare and valuable pennies are selling for thousands of dollars on eBay! In this educational video we look at rare error pennies worth money. These valuable pennies are the coins to coin search for in circulation. Check your pocket change now and keep coin roll hunting. Always remember you can find rare and valuable coins without going to a coin dealer or coin shop and spending money! Were also giving away a Fidget Spinner in the live stream.

ENTER GIVEAWAY: https://gleam.io/XDcPx/couch-collectibles-fidget-spinner-giveaway

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Welcome to Couch Collectibles formerly known as Couch Coins! If there is one thing people don’t know about me, it’s that I’ve collected coins, baseball cards, and many other rare toys since I was a kid. My grandmother and I have collected sets of quarters, dollars, and other coins to place in coin books for the rest of our family members. So I thought, what better way to share this collecting experience with others than through the community of YouTube. Come along and join me on this exciting, anticipated experience by subscribing right now as we go hunting for the most valuable coins and collectibles.

DISCLAIMER: Some non affiliate links may have been used throughout the video creation process of this content.

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