Shawn August incident

2 years ago

Yakuza and the Underworld:

Hello, this is detective Masaji. First of all, I would like to give my condolences to the family of former prime minister Shinzo Abe. That was a horrible thing that happened and I would like to let you know that I am not ignoring it. I am investigating it throughly and I will have a future report on it with anything the mainstream media and Japanese government refuses to tell you. These kind of investigations cannot be rushed.

Today I would like to tell you about something rather bizarre. The Yamaguchi-Gumi seems to have some rather outspoken supporters in the USA. Look at this Craigslist post by a man in Hawaii by the name of Shawn August. He writes, “seeking assistance from the Yamaguchi-Gumi family in Kauai, Hawaii…ASAP. Objective will be discussed upon contact.”

I then contacted him pretending to be Yakuza. He responded by saying, “Thank you for the contact back....
This is a "Request".....

...The original Family....the Family that brought honor to those who suffered injustices...who fought for the weak, who corrected the wrongs made by the powerful, and made things right once again...that's the Family I am looking for...The Yamaguchi-Gumi Family....and I wish to restore that...with your guidance and assistance

Here are the numbers:

PROJECT: Columbarium / Burial House
PROJECT REQUEST: $66,000,000.00
PAYBACK: 5 Years + 10%
50,000 @ $5200.00
20,000 @ $8000.00
10,000 @ OPEN PROJECTED PROFITS: $420,000,000.00 X 3*
PERPETUAL INCOME: Industrial Center
Sports Park / Hotel

Also requesting Project Managers, Land & Indigenous Law Lawyers, Hackers, Electronic Coders, Facial Recognition Programmers, Drone Production Facilitators.

There will be Three (3) Columbarium Projects in total...One on Kauai, and Two on the Big Island of Hawaii, located in Kona and Hilo. All 3 Projects financially replicate each other. I will take Kauai, you and the Family will own Kona, and we will split the Hilo project 50/50...Forever. Monies for the Projects will be paid in FULL, 3 years from first construction on property.

With an imbalance of power in the islands....America and Americans are the root cause of systemic racism amongst us Hawaiian/Asians...especially us Indigenous Japanese / Hawaiians. ...the lawsuits have been filed, and some laws and proclamations have been passed....but the financial reparations have never started...they are drawing it out...taking their time for us to pass away...and I tired of waiting for them...I need you to help me "take it back"!!

I have come up with this money making solution for the both of add another "Strong-Hold" for our give security to them....a place that will never disappear....a safe house of sorts....for the Families....a secure, private and undisclosed second home...

With the war crimes America has incurred in Hawaii, certain taxation liberties have fallen into our laps...I am also seeking Private Facial Recognition Programming & Surveillance Programmers and contracting business on every island, citing safety issues and concerns for local Indigenous peoples in the islands....

I will also request engineering and building material managers for the construction of the Columbarium building...I believe the building materials from Japan will be of better quality and more cost efficient.

This is just a brief overview of the request....a detailed contract will be made when you arrive...I hope this finds me avenge my grandparents, and make this wrong right again....”

I often hear the saying that “Japan lost the war but won Hawaii.” The Yakuza does have a lot of money in real estate in Hawaii. You can read all about it in my book “Yakuza and the Underworld.” There are people in Hawaii, such as this guy, that are trying to develop connections with the Yakuza as well. You need to report all such postings that are trying to do business with the Yakuza. Even so, my reports to the FBI and local Hawaii police went ignored. I suppose they are just too busy harassing parents at school board meetings. Until next time, this is detective Masaji signing off.

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