Jennifer Zeng: Host/Inconvenient Truths, Abe’s Assassination, New Paradigms w/Sargis Sangari EP #106

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On Monday, 18 JUN 22, on the 106th EPISODE of New Paradigms with Sargis Sangari, Jennifer Zeng, Host of the YouTube channel "Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng," joins me to discuss #PM #shinzoabe assassination & the regional & global effects.

According to Jennifer Zeng, #YuanHongbing, a Chinese dissident and former law professor at Peking University, former Japanese Prime Minister Abe's assassination received support from the Chinese Communist Parties (#CCP's) secret member in Japan via the "special task program" initiated by the CCP's International Liaison Department headed by #XiJinping's henchman #LiuJianchao.

One reason for the assassination was that powers to be were worried that Abe was effectively promoting the enactment of a #Japanese version of the #Taiwan Relations Act. If Japan legalizes such an act, it would mean that a Taiwan emergency would become a #Japan emergency by Japanese law.

According to Yuan Hongbing, Liu Jianchao also produced a mass assassination list with 52 #Taiwanese people's names, including Vice President #WilliamLai and eight lawmakers. The accusation is that the assassination campaign is part of the CCP's overall plan to take Taiwan by force.

Jennifer also gave us insight into China's future internally as it struggles to deal with its economic collapse, which it may be facing this year.

Jennifer Zeng is a former researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, the highest governmental policy research and consultant body in China. She is also a CCP #Concentration Camp survivor; as a member of the #FalunGong, spiritual movement practitioner, she recently translated the leaked CCP #RedArmy planning sessions to invade and conquer #Taiwan and parts of #Japan and possibly #SEAsia.

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