"MK Ultra & SRA Survivor on NWO Programming, Trauma, &Healing The World

2 years ago

PREMIERING THIS SUNDAY ON YOUTUBE AT 4PM PST, 6PM CST, & 7PM EST: "Laura Worley - MK Ul-tra & SRA Survivor on N.W.O Programming, Trauma, & Healing the World"

"This week, you're going to meet a hero in every way and have your mind-blown by what will be presented to you... I welcome an absolutely inspirational voice of our time - SRA and MK Ultra survivor, author, woman of God, speaker, trainer, coach and educator, Laura Worley!

Laura was born into a generational cult family and was sold into the CIA and MK Ultra projects as a child. She began recalling her programming and memories in her 30’s and what she discovered will leave your jaw on the floor. Laura’s own skepticism into the therapies available to survivors actually catapulted her to find a beautiful purpose within all her pain - she is now certified and trained in holistic modalities and decided to become the practitioner she wished existed offering knowledge and healing to survivors and those who have experienced complex trauma on any level. Her book, “Puzzle Pieces to the Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery’ is based on her own experiences and is an incredible resource for survivors and those of us on the outside wishing to further our own awakening into the world’s hidden truths. Laura is also the creator of The Worldwide Transformational Summit and continues to influence thousands all over the world through her public speaking and teachings and the work she does one-on-one with her clients. Laura’s story shook me to my core when a friend introduced me to her YouTube channel and I knew her story would be an extremely impactful piece to the puzzle we are constantly striving to put together on this show."

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