Le verbe S'ASSEOIR, le verbe le plus bizarre du français. The most strange French verb : to sit down

4 years ago

Comment conjuguer le verbe s'asseoir / s'assoir. How to say to sit down in French. How to conjugate sassoir.

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On my channel, you will find French lessons for all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). You will be able to learn French with several techniques: grammar, vocabulary, oral comprehension, written expression, dictation, dialogues, vocabulary, reading, French expressions, French slang and casual French, informal and formal French vocabulary and even preparation for the DELF and DALF exams. You will have all the best techniques to progress in French and improve your level of French easily and with pleasure with me, Elsa, your online French teacher.

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