Loch Ness and Loch Morar Monsters: Andy McGrath "Beasts of Britain"

4 years ago

We talk to Andy McGrath, Cryptozoology Enthusiast and author of Beasts of Britain with over 25 years of research and obsession about the unknown creatures.

The Loch Ness Monster AKA Nessie is said to be a creature that inhabits Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is often described as large in size with a long neck and one or more humps protruding from the water

Morag is a mysterious creature said to inhabit the depths of Loch Morar, in the Lochaber area of the Highlands. she is presented as a mermaid-like creature with flowing hair, while another description paints her as a hideous grim reaper type creature whose sighting was viewed as a death omen.

We talk to Andy McGrath, Cryptozoology Enthusiast and author of Beasts of Britain with over 25 years of research and obsession about the unknown creatures.

Listen to the full interview: https://radiowasteland.us/blog/beasts-of-britain-andrew-mcgrath/

Check out the Beasts of Britain Andy Mcgrath playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMFN4sGK7ZI0wVtx_khXpoTMACO20vosg

Find out more about Andy Mcgrath: https://radiowasteland.us/guests/andy-mcgrath/

#AndyMcGrath #RadioWasteland #LochNess

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