The Republic Bank of China is Fake, CCP wants Americans Dead (Part 1)

4 years ago

CHINA's Murderious Plan called "3F" watch and listen for details

The chinesse communist part is alive an well, there next task is to kill the Americans, in this series of videos you will be exposed to some ugly and down right frightning truth. And you might regret calling those guys that talked about buying only american product a bunch of racist, they are acctully real damn American Patriot saints if I may say.... Here is Miles Gou one of the few self man men in the world only he was born in china and should be dead if the CCP had their way, So they called him a rapeing pedophile in hopes to sucker Americas into turning him over to Chinesse Authoritys but fortunatly someone got in the way and with a few brain cells at their disposle helped this chinesse billionare outmaybe it was for some scratch or maybe they did there homework and realize that Miles ou was right the fuckin chinesse are corrupt andRampet with communistic control THE WHOLE TIME. Makes you think about all those"Monks" on tv that played rep for china Dirty bastards were just wearing a monk costume

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