#Cuba 🇨🇺 Represion vs woman

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺🛑 #PoliceAbuse during this pandemic times. There is an increment of violence from the Castro Police vs civilians and dissidents. The regime’s violent nature and disregard for individual freedom is reaching worrying levels. Cubans are not able to simply stay home. Our families have to go on lines and get whatever food comes into the stores. The Dictatorship’s constitution implemented the 370 Decree which authorizes police to charge anyone talking of filming about the Covid19 situation in Cuba, with fines and even incarceration. Social media is filled with posts and videos from Cubans getting fed up about the fines and repression.
April, 2020
#CubaReal #Freedom4Cuba #AbuseOfForce #HumanRights #footage #policebrutality #HumanRightsViolations #Repression #Communism #ElCambioEsYa #CubaDecide #Ni1Mas #CambioDeSistema #FreeCuba #LlegoLaHora #PNR #Minint #DTI

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